I’ve been searching for a preschool for Laurelin for a couple of mornings a week. I think it’ll be good for her, and it will help the two older girls and me get a bit more done in school. It’s either that or a very part-time nanny, but I’ve just started looking so we’ll see.
Anyway, in my search, I came across a preschool that uses a church’s facilities (but they’re not affiliated with them at all). Ben and I scrolled through the church’s page and photos to get an idea of what they believe, etc. out of interest and came across this one. No, I don’t know the context, and each to his own, but…?!
Comments (4)
Galippians 4:12, 13 - “And the Lord spoke through his prophets in former times through the air captured by soap, saying ‘thus shall you honor me and I shall be your God.’ Therefore, as it is written, as is fitting for the upbuilding of the saints, do not neglect blowing bubbles in the assembly.”
Somehow I can just see you enjoying a really good kick out of that, Franci! (and Ben) Miss you guys. Hey, it’s school holidays (here) next week. Do you think we could arrange a Skype chat - high time you met our twins!
Thankfully not purporting in any way to be Christian, but I had a similar “Whoa, what’s that?” moment in a link advertised at a recent cello recital. (The recital itself was being promoted by Ilse’s cello teacher, though she has none of these religious leanings!) Check this out:
Estelle did not fail to note the irony that this link featured on one side of the recital programme, and on the other side was a listing of Bach’s six solo cellos suites that were featured along with a Bach portrait and the inscription “To the greater glory of God”!
Yeah, reminds me of this: https://aliensintheapple.com/2012/03/19/quantum-enlightenment-dynamics/
Crazy stuff.