Aliens in the Apple

Presbyterians of the world, unite!

Ben 27 Nov 2013 Church Culture

Original Westminster Confession of Faith title pageAfter hours of sweatless toil, I present to you the Plain English Westminster, or PEW if you like. It’s my “translation” of the Westminster Confession of Faith into modern English.

This is a project I’ve been working on for the last couple of years, very on and off. The writing is my work, though hats off to the OPC’s MESV, and to Franci for her help with proofreading.

But why on earth do this? It started long ago in a galaxy far, far away. I’m a member of the Reformed Churches of New Zealand, and — oddly enough for a Reformed Church with roots in the Netherlands — the Westminster Confession is one of our church’s confessional documents. I was asked to (attempt to) teach it to a catechism class a few years back, but wading through 17th century formal English with 14-year-olds is tough going … and thus the PEW was born.

So without wasting any more ink here, you can read more about all that from the horse’s mouth over at my Plain English Westminster page.

Comments (1)

joanbee3 27 Nov 2013 at 2:35pm

This looks very interesting and I look forward to reading it when I have more time.