Aliens in the Apple

The Entrepreneurial Fair

Franci 9 Jan 2015 Being creative Education Kids

The Co-op that we attend had an Entrepreneurial Fair early in December, and as much as I would have liked to just be a spectator, my kids were burning to sell stuff (surprise, surprise). So, we made Christmas ornaments, some chocolates and gingerbread men. The girls made a pretty good effort at helping, and at selling on the day too. I was so proud of them!

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The girls made $36 and sold all their cookies — good work, Marica and Esther!

Comments (2)

Laurel 9 Jan 2015 at 6:16pm

Beautiful cookies, girls! We had a similar fair here for homeschoolers to share their wares … I opted to not notice this one as December was already chaotically full.

We did make our usual peppernuts though. :-) And Ilse and Estelle made some money busking (lucrative) and onion picking with Conrad too (hard work but Conrad was super-fast!)

Lois Hoyt 11 Jan 2015 at 4:10am

I wouldn’t have had any trouble buying those gingerbread men either, especially matching the plates so well! Good on all of you.

Now in that last photo of Marica I’m sure I suddenly saw Hannah in Marica’s face - eyes especially, not the lower half. I really must be getting old, always “seeing someone else” in a grandchild’s photo. I never used to be like this, so you better not assume there is much to my opinions about who might look like whom.

Love, Mum